Sunday, October 02, 2005

X-rays don't fit in my scrapbook

It sucks to look back on what you thought would be the happiest times and realize that your cute baby picture to x-ray ratio is way the hell off. We have like 15 pics, tops,in his first year. The rest is a stack of x-ray film and calanders full of doctors' appointments, therapists' visits, early intervention classes, trips to the ER and hospital stays.

We recently moved and I'm still unpacking. Came across a Baby Milestone book my mom got us when TheBigE was born. I cracked it open and looked at all the crisp, empty pages for celebrating first steps and first words. 8 years later and it's still unused. I keep waiting for a quiet time when there are no crises.

No matter how. hard. I. try...I can't fit these frickin'_frackin' x-rays into the Big Book of Blissful Babyhood. I've tried. Really. All I end up with is a lovely scalloped border on a sticker laden film that is still way too ginormous. Sigh. Maybe I'll frame them and put them up on the wall. It is October, after all.

At least I have all the doctors' reports. I can cull his milestones out of their notes. And we do have his sweet little dwarf hand immortalized in black and white, chubby fingers like ghosts wrapped around skeletal fist.

This I slip carefully back into the film cover and don't put away because we still need them. Just not as often as we used to:-)


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